Since I started couponing on Oct. 16, 2009 I've kept a spreadsheet.
Here are the facts-
In the last 11 months I've spent $3,924.32- which equals out to $81.00 a week.
This includes -food-beverages-toilet paper-kleenex-paper towels-napkins-household cleaners-laundry detergent-air freshners-gum-candy-toothpaste-toothbrushes-deoderant-make-up-shower gel-bar soap-
lotion-razors-contact solution-teeth whitening-vitamins-tampons-panty liners/pads-dog treats-
Here is what I used to spend a week-$281.00
Here is what I've saved in 11 months-$9,865.62!!
Heck yea, it's worth it.